Tuesday, November 4, 2008

strong in you, Thanatos is

Sigmund Freud was a pathological wacko. He was also an unmitigated genius. Finding which bits of his theories were genius and which were insane is a difficult exercise for experts, which I am not. Therefore, this is a pop-psychology opinion of mine and nothing more, but I think that Thanatos has ruled my life for far, far too long, and it's time for Eros to take hold.

How do I accomplish this?

I don't know. But discovery is a journey, not a destination.

Monday, November 3, 2008

bye bye AdSense

I was horrified to find out that there was a big Yes on Prop 8 banner on my blog. Turns out someone is paying google to put that on blogs with AdSense enabled. So.. I could configure AdSense to filter this from my blog, but since I get no money from them anyway, I just removed it.

Bye bye AdSense.

If you'd like to know how I really feel - go here or here or here.